Quest for Presence Podcast Series
In this episode, we return to the Contemplations chapter in The Connoisseur of Time, specifically “Step 4” (Origin). Readers are asked to contemplate the origin or source point that led to the birth of seven inspirational passages about time and timelessness. What inspired Christ, Mohammed, Buddha, and others to speak these words?
Spiritual Passages, Personal Stories: Embodiment of the Treasures
This episode begins a key idea: many of us already know spiritual truths early in life. We each read from the chapter “Embodiment of the Treasures” in the Connoisseur of Time. Our group (Ronnie, Art, Kristie, and Joel) then talks about personal stories happening in life right now and seeing life as an opportunity for waking and being present together and through our stories.
A Contemplation: Seven Passages on Spirituality and Time (Part 2)
Drawing from the book The Connoisseur of Time (available free download), this Part 2 of the episode continues to cover the chapter titled “A Contemplation.” The chapter highlights seven brief readings
· #Atheism
· #Psalms (Old Testament)
· The Book of Matthew (New Testament)
A Contemplation: Seven Passages on Spirituality and Time (Part 1)
Drawing from the book The Connoisseur of Time (available free download), this episode covers the chapter titled “A Contemplation.” The chapter highlights seven brief readings:
· #Atheism
· #Psalms (Old Testament)
Threshold - Part 2 (Time and Spirituality)
This episode is best listened to in conjunction with readings in “The Connoisseur of Time: An Invitation to Presence;” specifically the chapters “Threshold,” “Time and Spiritual Health” and “What is Spirituality?” (p. 31 – 40). Again, available at no cost from our website or or
Threshold: Part 1: Diving In
I love being in community with time weavers, because I always learn from them. In this episode I learned the difference between being a private (to oneself) ‘connoisseur’ and someone who gives praise and gratitude in a spontaneous and authentic way.
Crossing the Threshold from Clock-Time to Deep Time
I (Joel) set the stage by talking about recent data on how people use time. On average–in a life of 70 years, people spend 26 years sleeping, 19 years at work, 12 years watching TV, and 1 year socializing with others. This view of time is ultimately not skillful.
Re-envisioning Presence: Intentionally, Together

A core message of this episode is that we can find and cultivate presence together. Being together sits in the place between the micro (personal journey) and the macro (humanity’s journey).
Quest for Presence: Re-Imagine Time for Well-Being

This episode is associated with the chapters “Pause” and “Show Up” (pp. 13 – 17) in the book “The Connoisseur of Time: An Invitation to Presence” (or ‘CoT’ by Joel Bennett). This episode quickly covers a range of ideas and is best listened along with the next episode.
Waking up to the Map
Part 2

This episode refers to the book Full Catastrophe Living (by John Kabat-Zinn), the Buddhist Noble Truth that “all is suffering,” the idea of non-resistance from Taoism, and the work of the C.S. Lewis who had his own theology of time.
Waking up to the Map
Part 1

In this episode we first talk about the negative impact of time pressure on our health, our environment, and society. But the treasure map provides a bigger picture of healthy time and deep time, and includes spirituality, ancient wisdom, science, intimacy, and preciousness as well as many other treasures of this happening life.
Quest for Presence: Re-Imagine Time for Well-Being (Trailer)
Time is what we make of it. Be Here Now. Find time for the things that matter.”These simple statements mask a deeper spiritual reality when time becomes an old friend.
Check out the QFP trailer.
Dr. Bennett Guest Appearances
My Inner Knowing - Taking Our Self So Seriously
In this insightful episode of My Inner Knowing, Walker and Theresa are joined by the esteemed Dr. Joel Bennett, an expert in the fields of psychology and well-being. Dr. Bennett offers a sneak peek into his ongoing series, Quest for Presence.
Throughout the conversation, Dr. Bennett delves into profound topics…
The Next Perfect Step: Quest for Presence with Dr.Joel Bennett
The Next Perfect Step offers candid conversations about spirituality, how to navigate in the world, channeled messages, guided meditations and other topics. We invite comments and questions as we look to connect with a community of similar interests. Hosts Laurie Mullen and Lori Tremblay welcome your comments and questions.
Today’s guests, Dr. Joel Bennett and Wellness Coach and colleague Cynthia Conigliaro, talk about the meaning of time, presence, resonance and more in this fascinating conversation. Dr. Bennett’s latest book, Quest for Presence, Book 3…
Episode 72 - Conversations with Dr Joel Bennett
In our conversation today we discussed different body therapeutic modalities, the nature of Andrew’s practice, the importance of presence and mindfulness, the concept of safety in bodywork and massage, personal growth and self-awareness, and the concept of open-mindedness.
Podcast Episode 181: Soulful Capacities with Dr. Joel Bennett
Stacy Musial and Brenda Carey take a deep dive into conversation with Dr. Joel Bennett about his new book Soulful Capacities and tapping into Acceptance, Presence, Flow and Synchronicities.
We discuss:
- Joel’s new book Soulful Capacities
- What is a soulful capacity?
Quest For Presence with Dr. Joel Bennett
Dr. Joel Bennett, Become a Connoisseur of Time
What is a “connoisseur of time,” and how can we observe our life through experiences rather than a clock? Dr. Joel Bennett explains.
Mindful Social Business: A Quest For Presence
Dr. Bennett’s new series–A Quest for Presence offers a deep look at our own relationship with time and uses philosophy, poetry, science, and more. Listen to the #podcast and see for yourself.
Podcast Episode 159: Shifting Our Perception of Time with Joel Bennett
Our mission is to awaken all humans to a higher state of consciousness and live vibrantly as spiritual beings.
Stacy and Brenda talk with Joel Bennett, author and President of Organizational Wellness & Learning Systems of what true spirituality is, and living it vs talking about it.
LifeMaven Ep. 35- Dr. Joel Bennett: "Time Connoisseur"
Dr. Joel Bennett expands into introducing us to “spirituality” in a series of five books. His new book, The Time connoisseur, invites us to embrace the whole human being now using the concept of time.
The Enneagram and the attractions

Art Wimberly, host of “How’s That Working For You?” talks with Joel about a more dynamic and non-type view of personality and how the radiant forces help align our essential self with the dynamic growth of our personality.
What Leadership Skills Create A Mentally Healthy Workplace?

What leadership skills create a mentally healthy workplace? Joel Bennett of Presence Quest joins David Reske of Nowspeed on this week’s episode of “In the Now” to expose the myth that you need to invest heavily to create a healthy workplace. While employee assistance and mental health programs have their place, it turns out that good leadership skills are the key to creating a workplace that lowers stress and keeps …
Presence For Wellness Coaches

If you’re racing through your day struggling to manage your appointments and be present with your clients; if you’re stuck in your head worrying if you have enough clients, or whether you know …
The Metaphysics of Prevention & The Quest for Presence

In this episode. we’re talking with Dr. Joel Bennett who is the President of Organizational Wellness & Learning Systems (OWLS), a consulting firm that specializes in evidence-based wellness and e-learning technologies to ..
Being Intentionally Present with Joel Bennett

Are you ready to reimagine your relationship with time for your well-being? Here’s your opportunity to accept an “Invitation to Presence,” which also happens to be the subtitle for a new and incredibly insightful book, “The Connoisseur of Time” by Joel Bennett.